Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 5 - Some Time Off

Imported the project into unity and got some test lighting setup in the scene. Might have cranked the settings up a bit too high as its taking forever to bake out the light map. Also, quickly realized our mesh densities might be a bit high. But with this we'll be able to start setting the mood for the scene. We had a long weekend so next update will be in a few days, but will hopefully feature in-game content. For now here's a screen of current progress.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 4.5 - Yet More Blocking

Did some work on one of the side walls in our scene. Here we tested quite a few ideas to see what would work and ended up just keeping it all on the wall which potentially could make our environment seem very complex and also help push the scale a bit more. Of course some of this may not make it into final but once we have everything together we can make a clearer decision of where we want to go with this project.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 3 - More Blocking

Today we split up sections of the scene between us so we can focus on a little bit of refining which will help establish the final look of the environment. Mind you this is still technically just blocking so a lot of the details are just quick ideas trying to figure out forms and scale throughout the scene. Below is the section where ultimately the character would be standing so we did some tests on how we wanted the floor and some of the spaces to look.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 2 - Scale and Blocking

Today we did some more brain storming to try and figure out the general scale of things. We wanted the environment to be huge and give you the feeling of "WOW" when you walked into the room. In addition to the ceiling being ridiculously high, we also thought about having the ability to look down below ground level. Today is also the start of our general blocking to get an idea of the overall design and layout of the environment.

*note the man in the red circle for scale reference*

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1 - Gathering ideas

Welcome to the first official post (not counting the about)! We got together and started collecting ideas, referencing video games, concept artwork, 3D renders, basically anything we could use for inspiration. Some of the main components we were looking for were scale (we wanted something epic but do able), color and lighting (for mood) and style. Very excited at this point to get started.

Here's our white board idea mashup of the general layout.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

About The Project

Being inspired by the 2011 samaritan tech demo which was made using the Unreal Engine 3 (here), the objective of this project is to try to create AAA quality visuals using the Unity3D engine. Our team is comprised Michael Chong, Will Liddle, and Kevin Salki. All of whom are experienced 3D artists and game developers. The initial plan is to release a video of actual real-time footage followed by a live playable demo, the details of which will be determined when we reach that milestone.